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Communications & Who's Responsible

  • What is being communicated to students?
    • In October 2023, all enrolled students received an email notification regarding the alliance’s upcoming name change. This communication reassured them that the change would not affect their status, degree program, or graduation.
    • Immediately following the brand launch, students will be notified via email of the new name and visual brand identity. When the website goes live in June, follow-up communication will take place.
    • The management team will also furnish faculty and staff with content suitable for sharing on social media, course descriptions, webpages, and other platforms to effectively update students about our new name and brand.
  • How will I be kept informed of developments regarding the new brand?

    In addition to launching our new brand at the 2024 annual conference in Kansas City, the management team will continue to share updates on the process through our monthly newsletter, the Alliance Insider. If you have specific questions, please reach out to Morgan Jones and she will ensure you have access to the information you need.

  • Who is telling my campus colleagues about this change?
    • An official announcement and press release have been issued to announce the thrilling news regarding our new name and brand.
    • Guides and checklists are available to share on your campus to ensure the new brand is implemented as seamlessly as possible.
  • How will this affect processes at my university? Grad school, registrar’s office, enrollment management unit, etc.

    While the actual processes at your university should not change, it will be important to ensure your partners across campus are aware of the alliance name change. The management team will continue to share updates with alliance members as things progress.

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