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Early Care & Education Bachelor's Degree

IDEA's online early care & education for a mobile society (ECEMS) bachelor's degree completion program prepares you to work with diverse groups of young children, families, and communities in a global society. This bachelor's completion program requires previously completed coursework, allowing you to focus directly on the curriculum that prepares you for rewarding careers in early childhood settings with young children, especially those whose family members are highly mobile.

Early Care & Education Bachelor's Degree Course or Instructor Availability by Year and Semester

Coursework and Degree Requirements 48 credit hours

The ECEMS program offers an asynchronous curriculum to meet the needs of working professionals. Two hands-on, in-person practicum experiences coincide with the coursework. Practicum placements need to be in at least two different settings, with two different age groups, and two different cooperating teachers.

Pre-Practicum Courses

Prior to enrolling in Practicum Experiences with Young Children, students must take six credit hours including:

  • Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators
  • and either (a) Child Development―Birth to 3 (Infant/Toddler) or (b) Child Development―3 to 8 (Early Childhood). The Child Development course not previously taken must be taken concurrently with Practicum.
Child Development - Birth to 33Michelle MathewsMichelle Mathews
Child Development - Ages 3 to 83Belle ScheefUNLUNL
Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators3Nikki HuckabayNikki HuckabayNikki HuckabayOSUOSUOSU

Practicum Experiences with Young Children 3 credit hours

Prior to enrolling in Practicum Experiences with Young Children, students must take six credit hours including:

  • Introduction to Early Care and Education in a Mobile Society (Professional Development)
  • and either (a) Child Development―Birth to 3 (Infant/Toddler) or (b) Child Development―4 to 8 (Early Childhood). The Child Development course not previously taken must be taken concurrently with Practicum.
Practicum Experiences with Young Children3Chris KiewraChris KiewraChris KiewraUNLUNLUNL

Core Courses 30 credit hours

These required courses may be completed anytime during the program.

Administration and Supervision in Early Childhood Settings3Michelle MathewsMUMU
Assessing Young Children and their Environments to Enhance Development3UNLChris KiewraUNL
Social and Emotional Development and Child-Centered Guidance3Celia Priebe SheddISUISU
Development of Curriculum for Children Ages Birth to 33Kari RainsNikki Huckabay
Development of Curriculum for Children Ages 3 to 83Candace KastrupUNLUNL
Diversity in the Lives of Young Children and Families3Michelle MathewsMUMU
Health, Safety, and Nutrition3Nikki HuckabayOSUOSU
Technology and Young Children3Michelle MathewsMichelle Mathews
Understanding and Adapting for Developmental Differences3Celia Priebe SheddCelia Priebe Shedd
Working with Families3Celia Priebe SheddISUISU

Senior Capstone Experience 6 credit hours

This course must be completed after the successful completion of all other ECEMS courses. Prior to enrolling in the Senior Capstone, students must have Senior Standing and instructor permission to enroll. Check with your faculty advisor for more information.

Senior Capstone6Celia Priebe SheddCelia Priebe SheddCelia Priebe SheddISUISUISU