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Swine Science Undergraduate Certificate

Swine Science Online is the first-ever online undergraduate program in swine science. This 12-credit online program offers education and training of future pork professionals to benefit the pork industry by inspiring a career interest through academic training and application.

Swine Science Undergraduate Certificate Course or Instructor Availability by Year and Semester

Core Courses 7 credit hours

These courses are required.

Basic Swine Science2SDStateElizabeth HinesSDStateISUSDStateISUSDState
Employee Management for the Swine Industry1Cynthia WoodISU
Swine Health and Biosecurity1Locke KarrikerISUISUISU
Swine Farrowing Management1Tim SafranskiMUMUMUMUMUMU
Swine Breeding and Gestation Management1Billy FlowersNCSUNCSUNCSU
Swine Nursery and Finishing Management1ISUISUISUISU

Elective Courses 5 credit hours

Internship in the Swine Industry1Cody WrightISUISUISU
Marketing and Risk in the Pork Industry1NCSUNCSU
Swine Environment Management1ISUISU
Swine Feed Mill Management1Chad PaulkKSU
Swine Manure and Nutrient Management1Daniel AndersenISUISUISU
Swine Nutrition1Robert ThalerSDState