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Youth Development Graduate Programs

IDEA's online master's degree in youth development provides exceptional preparation for a rewarding career working with youth representing every race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Through the dynamic 36-credit hour curriculum, you gain the knowledge and skills to design and implement effective youth programming and be an advocate for youth issues and pro-youth policies.

Youth Development Graduate Programs Course or Instructor Availability by Year and Semester

Master's Degree Coursework and Degree Requirements 27 credit hours

Starting in fall 2021, the youth development program began offering a newly designed curriculum to better communicate the needed competencies of graduate-level youth professionals. 

Of the 36 hours required for this degree, 27 hours are core requirements, leaving nine credit hours that are a combination of elective courses and/or practicum/independent study/research experiences. Consult your academic advisor for information specific to your home university requirements.

Students are encouraged to choose elective courses (denoted with an asterisk in each block) that meet their own unique professional needs and goals.

Blocks 2-4 are not sequential, students may take courses in these blocks in any order they choose.


Block 1 - Foundational Skills in Positive Youth Development

Foundations of Youth Development must be completed in the first semester and is offered every semester so you can start the program anytime. All other Block 1 courses are required and must be completed within the first two semesters of enrollment.

Foundations of Youth Development3Ali LuempertHeather KennedyMelissa HerzogAli LuempertJoel HektnerMUTTUUNLTTUNDSU
Youth Professionals as Consumers of Research3Meghan GilletteRobert PickMeghan GilletteUNLISUUNLISU
Youth Development3Rachelle VetternRobert PickLeanna McWoodUNLNDSUUNLNDSU

Block 2 - Relational Dynamics and Positive Youth Development

Adolescents and Their Families and Youth-Adult Relationships are required courses.
*Denotes an elective course.

Adolescents and Their Families3Melissa HerzogAli LuempertMelissa HerzogTTUMUTTUMU
Youth-Adult Relationships3Steven KraussMeghan GilletteSteven KraussISUMUISUMU
Youth in Cultural Contexts*3Meghan GilletteMeghan GilletteISUISU
Youth, Sports & Society*3Yuya KiuchiMISU
Adolescent Health & Sexuality*3Antoinette M. LandorMUMU

Block 3 - Contexts of Youth Practice and Policy

Youth Policy and Positive Youth Development in Community Settings are required courses.
*Denotes an elective course.

Youth Policy3Robin Peiter HorstmeierFrancisco A. VillarruelRobin Peiter HorstmeierMISUMUMISUMU
Positive Youth Development in Community Settings3Yuya KiuchiMeghan GilletteYuya KiuchiMeghan GilletteMISUISUMISUISU
Youth Mental Health*3Leanna McWoodNDSU
Systems of Care for Youth at Risk*3Ali LuempertTTU

Block 4 - Youth Program Management, Evaluation, and Administration

Design and Evaluation of Youth Programs and Youth Development Personnel and Program Management are required courses.
*Denotes an elective course.

Design and Evaluation of Youth Programs3Yan Ruth XiaSteven KraussYan Ruth XiaMUUNLMUUNL
Youth Development Personnel and Program Management3Robert PickScott MattesonRobert PickMISUUNLMISUUNL
Youth, Families & Technology*3Yuya KiuchiMISU

Practicum/Independent Study/Research

Some culminating opportunities such as creative components, directed studies, practica, research projects, comprehensive exams, and/or theses may be available through your home university, but not all participating universities require such experiences for degree completion. Discuss the availability and/or requirement of such options with your academic advisor at your home university.