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Youth Development Graduate Programs

IDEA's online youth development specialist graduate certificate is a 12-credit hour curriculum with flexibility so you can build a certificate program to benefit your career goals with maximum impact. You'll complete two core courses and then choose from a variety of options for your two elective courses.

This graduate certificate is a great complement to a master’s degree in a related field such as education, social work, or other human services, or provides working professionals with additional skills needed to advance their career.

Youth Development Graduate Programs Course or Instructor Availability by Year and Semester

Required Courses for the Youth Development Specialist Graduate Certificate 6 credit hours

There are two required core courses for the youth development specialist graduate certificate, which allows you to create a learning experience that supports your interests and career goals. The required courses include Foundations of Youth Development, a three-credit hour course that should be taken in your first semester, and Youth Development for three credit hours. Foundations of Youth Development is offered every semester so you can begin the program at any time.

Foundations of Youth Development3Melissa HerzogAli LuempertJoel HektnerMelissa HerzogTTUUNLTTUNDSU
Youth Development3Robert PickLeanna McWoodRobert PickNDSUUNLNDSU

Select Two Courses 6 credit hours

Build your certificate to benefit your career goals by selecting two additional courses from the listing below. No course is a prerequisite for any other course.

Adolescents and Their Families3Ali LuempertMelissa HerzogTTUMUTTUMU
Adolescent Health & Sexuality*3Antoinette M. LandorAntoinette M. LandorMU
Positive Youth Development in Community Settings3Yuya KiuchiMeghan GilletteMISUISUMISUISU
Youth-Adult Relationships3Meghan GilletteSteven KraussMeghan GilletteMUISUMU
Youth in Cultural Contexts*3Meghan GilletteISUISU
Youth Mental Health*3NDSU
Youth Policy3Francisco A. VillarruelRobin Peiter HorstmeierFrancisco A. VillarruelMUMISUMU
Youth, Sports & Society*3MISU
Systems of Care for Youth at Risk*3Ali LuempertTTU