Early Childhood Activities and Resources
Renowned faculty from the online Early Care and Education for a Mobile Society (ECEMS) bachelor's degree completion program have put together activity plans for early childhood classrooms and parents of young children.
To download the resources and activities on this page, simply click on the title of the activity, answer a few questions about yourself, and then you'll be taken to a page with the download. Once you've answered the questions, you'll be able to download all of the activities (you won't need to complete the form for each download). Visit this page often as new ideas will be added regularly.
Having technical difficulties with your downloads? Contact Kathryn Harth for help.
We are building a community of early care providers. We will share additional activities and resources to use with young children and we will never sell your contact information. Thanks for joining our community!
Activities to Teach Toddlers & Preschoolers to be Safe While Outside (PDF)

Learn about activities that encourage young children to love nature and the special items found in it while also teaching them to respect nature and living creatures. You’ll also find games for keeping outside safe.
Activities for Children's Books: Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert

This activity plan uses the book Leaf Man by award-winning author Lois Ehlert to explore leaves and other natural materials through engaging activities that integrate multiple learning domains.
Activities for Children's Books: Last Stop on Market Street (PDF)

Use Matt de la Pena's award-winning children's book titled Last Stop on Market Street to help children learn about the world around them. Choose from literacy and social studies activities, as well as a variety of follow-up activities.
Activities for Children's Books: Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni (PDF)

Use Leo Lionni's award-winning children's book Inch by Inch to support learning in early literacy, math, and science.
Activities for Children's Books: What to Do with a Box

Show children the limitless possibilities that come with a cardboard box in What To Do With a Box by Janet Yolen. Spark children’s imaginations with numerous activities that support various developmental domains and focus on STEM.