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IDEA Management Team

The management team supports IDEA through the implementation of board initiatives, program coordination, a centralized web presence, enrollment management, financial oversight, providing student support resources, and program and student data analysis.  

Meet the Management Team

Management team responsibilities include:

Amanda Burris

  • Distributing surveys and analyzing data
  • Maintaining alliance-wide student services
  • Facilitating instructional enhancement initiatives, including course improvement
  • Provide meeting scheduling support for Human Sciences programs
  • Providing ExpanSIS training and support
  • Facilitating alliance orientation for members and students

Kathryn Harth

  • Maintaining the alliance web presence through the website and Member Portal
  • Coordinating content marketing strategy including branding, production of marketing and recruitment materials, and web development
  • Supporting member university and alliance-wide recruiting efforts
  • Coordinating the annual conference during the spring semester

Morgan Jones

  • Executive Director
  • Coordinating the IDEA Cabinet and both the Human Science Board and Agricultural Board
  • Managing alliance and management team operations, including financials and communications
  • Coordinating academic programs
  • Facilitating course scheduling
  • Coordinating department chairs' communications
  • Maintaining fiscal information

Ashley Schultz

  • Supporting students in K-State IDEA programs
  • Acting as the liaison to K-State faculty and the Global Campus
  • Supporting and serving as the point of contact for all campus coordinators at member universities, including initial ExpanSIS training
  • Managing enrollment and the waitlist