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Community Development Graduate Programs

Graduate Certificate Course Information


South Dakota State University South Dakota State University logo
Course Number:
CD 642
Credit Hours:
3 credit hours - $610 per credit
Start/End Dates:
May 27, 2025 - August 01, 2025


Course Description

This is a basic grant development and management course that introduces students to the grant-getting process and provides an overview of what happens after a project is funded. The following topics are part of the course: researching funding sources, generating cutting edge ideas, assessing needs, planning a project, establishing credibility, formulating a sustainable budget, designing an evaluation plan, managing the funded project, and disseminating project results. Course objectives are to establish grant development basics, to identify sources of funding information, examine the essential components of a proposal, increase comfort with grant proposal writing, and explore best practices for program management.



Amber Jensen

Campus Coordinator

For course access questions, contact the teaching university’s campus coordinator. For enrollment questions, contact your home university campus coordinator.

Disability Support Services

To request accommodations for this course, contact the disability support office at your home university. You must register each semester and for each course. Read more about the IDEA process for requesting accommodations.

Learn More



Course Access

Approximately 2-3 weeks before the first day of class, the SDSU campus coordinator, Sarah (Heewon) Kim, will email course access information to visiting students. 
Your username and password for D2L will be the same when you first log in. For example, if your name is MaryJo McCullough, then your username will be MaryJo.McCullough and your password will be MaryJo.McCullough. Usernames and passwords are case sensitive and you will be required to change your password once you have logged in.
If you have trouble completing any of the steps above, forget your password, or have any questions, please contact Sarah at or 605-688-6988 for assistance.

Exam Proctor

This course does not require an exam proctor.

Synchronous Components

This course does not include synchronous components.

University Contact

Click on the campus coordinator name to get their contact information. Click on the university name to learn more about how IDEA works at that campus.