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Early Childhood & Family Policy Graduate Certificate

Graduate Certificate Course Information

Policy, Leadership, and Policy Advocacy

University of Mississippi University of Mississippi logo
Course Number:
EDEC 613
Credit Hours:
3 credit hours - $610 per credit
Start/End Dates:
March 19, 2025 - May 09, 2025


Course Description

Divided into four units, this course is designed to provide a foundational knowledge of the fundamentals of policy creation, design, and development, with an emphasis on those policies that impact ECEC. The course focuses on how policy is constructed and who and what influences that construction. Especially important, the course addresses the critical roles that communication, advocacy, and ethics play as policy evolves. More specifically, the course will address: (i) the multiple venues and processes for creating public policies; (ii) different types of public ECEC funding; (iii) federal, state, and local policy roles; (iv) considerations of ethics and leadership from public policy and ECEC perspectives; and (v) the development of policy advocacy communications skills. Throughout the course, you will recognize that the policy cycle depends on a network of complex interactions among people within government (i.e., elected officials and bureaucrats) and multiple outside influencers (e.g., advocates, foundations, think tanks, and voters).



Kenya Wolff

Campus Coordinator

For course access questions, contact the teaching university’s campus coordinator. For enrollment questions, contact your home university campus coordinator.

Disability Support Services

To request accommodations for this course, contact the disability support office at your home university. You must register each semester and for each course. Read more about the IDEA process for requesting accommodations.

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Not Required

Course Access

Blackboard at The University of Mississippi

Approximately 2 weeks before the semester begins, you will be emailed a username and password that you will use to access the course in Blackboard. You will need to keep a copy of this username and password in a safe location so that you can reference it throughout the semester.  You will maintain your UM Blackboard access for two weeks after the course is completed. 

Exam Proctor

This course does not require an exam proctor.

Synchronous Components

This course does not include synchronous components.

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University Contact

Click on the campus coordinator name to get their contact information. Click on the university name to learn more about how IDEA works at that campus.