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Food Safety & Defense Graduate Certificate

Graduate Certificate Course Information


Iowa State University Iowa State University logo
Course Number:
FSHN 5250
Credit Hours:
2 credit hours - $622 per credit
Start/End Dates:
August 25, 2025 - December 19, 2025


Course Description

This course is a comprehensive study of the Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and its application in the food industry. In this course, students will develop a HACCP plan, complete 5 online quizzes and take 2 proctored exams. Throughout the semester, there are deadlines to submit components of the HACCP plan. These components will be reviewed and returned to the student with comments so that there is an opportunity to make revisions. While these components are not given a letter grade when submitted, students receive points for turning them in. At the end of the semester, students are required to submit their completed HACCP plan and it is this finished plan that will be assigned a grade.


Campus Coordinator

For course access questions, contact the teaching university’s campus coordinator. For enrollment questions, contact your home university campus coordinator.

Disability Support Services

To request accommodations for this course, contact the disability support office at your home university. You must register each semester and for each course. Read more about the IDEA process for requesting accommodations.

Learn More


Not Required

Course Access

In the three weeks prior to the start of class, students will receive course information and access instructions via email from the Iowa State campus coordinator, Iowa State Online
The email will include instructions for how students can set up their Iowa State Net-ID and password which is needed to log into Iowa State’s Canvas system. It typically takes 1-2 business days after setting up a Net-ID before students can log into Iowa State’s Canvas. Courses may not be visible in Canvas until the first day of class.
If students experience problems registering for a Net-ID, they can contact the Iowa State Solution Center for assistance at 515-294-4000. Students will need their 9-digit ISU university ID (provided in the ISU campus coordinator email) for the Solution Center to assist them. The Solution Center is open evenings and weekends.  View the Solution Center's hours of operation.

Exam Proctor

This course does not require an exam proctor.

Synchronous Components

This course does not include synchronous components.

Meet Our Faculty

Click on the faculty name to get their contact information. To learn about this program at each institution, click on the university name.

University Contact

Click on the campus coordinator name to get their contact information. Click on the university name to learn more about how IDEA works at that campus.