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Swine Science Online Undergraduate Certificate

Swine Science Online is the first-ever online undergraduate program in swine science. Swine Science Online offers education and training of future pork professionals to benefit the pork industry by inspiring a career interest through academic training and application.

Program Summary

Cost per credit hour:

2024-2025: $440
Learn more

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    What You Will Learn

    This program teaches scientific principles and management skills involved in pork production for efficient and sustainable operation.

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    How You Will Learn

    Designed for working professionals, our courses are 100% online. You'll engage in coursework through a virtual classroom, with offerings available from four reputable universities. Start and end dates may vary depending on the universities instructing your courses each semester.

University Contacts

Click on the campus coordinator name to get their contact information. Click on the university name to learn more about how IDEA works at that campus.

Mama pig sleeping among several piglets in an indoor stall with wood shavings on the ground.The Swine Science Online vision is to ensure that the pork industry is led and managed by individuals who have broad educational and production experiences that have prepared them for these roles.  Swine Science Online teaches scientific principles and management skills involved in pork production for efficient and sustainable operation.

A certificate in swine science benefits those already working in the industry, as well as undergraduate students looking for a value-added experience to increase employability.

  • Swine Genetic Sales Consultant
  • Regional Swine Sales Manager
  • Swine Communications Coordinator
  • Swine Building Construction
  • Swine Pharmaceuticals
  • Swine Production Management
  • Swine Feed Sales

Learn how Swine Science Online can transform your future!

Video courtesy of the U.S. Pork Center for Excellence.

All students who complete the 12-credit curriculum will be eligible to apply for an industry certificate in swine science through the U.S. Pork Center for Excellence or an academic certificate through South Dakota State University.

This program brings together the U.S. Pork Center for Excellence with faculty from top animal science programs across the country. Learn more about the participating universities in this program.

IDEA Student Handbook

You will learn from expert faculty who bring real-life experience to the coursework and are committed to helping you transition your learning beyond the online classroom into your career.