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The agricultural systems management & technology program is a course share supported by three universities, each with a strong presence in the agricultural field. Learn more about the programs at each university.

Review the course planner to find out when each course is offered and plan out a prospective course sequence.

Graduate-Level Courses

Advanced analytical considerations of environmental aspects of soil-plant systems; movement of water in soils; water movement through plants; and irrigation and drainage systems for controlling water in the soil-plant environment.
Theory and practice of on-farm irrigation management including: irrigation economics; soil-plant-water relations; evapotranspiration; remote sensing; irrigation scheduling; real-time operation and maintenance of irrigation systems; yield response functions and deficit irrigation; sensors and apps for irrigation; environmental impact of irrigation and drainage; impact of irrigation on consumptive use at the watershed scale; irrigation district operation and maintenance; and international irrigation development.
  • Cost per Credit Hour

    2024-2025: Graduate $610 | Undergraduate $440
    2025-2026: Graduate$622 | Undergraduate $448
    Learn more

  • Average Time to Complete:
  • Course Share - Undergraduate: 3 Hours
  • Course Share - Graduate: 3 Hours

Course Share - Undergraduate

3 Hours

Course Share - Graduate

3 Hours

Meet Our Faculty

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University Contact

Click on the campus coordinator name to get their contact information. Click on the university name to learn more about how IDEA works at that campus.