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Explore the early care & education bachelor's degree completion curriculum that includes two practica and prepares you to work with children and their families. Review the course planner to find out when each course is offered and plan out a prospective course sequence.

Coursework and Degree Requirements

The ECEMS program offers an asynchronous curriculum to meet the needs of working professionals. Two hands-on, in-person practicum experiences coincide with the coursework. Practicum placements need to be in at least two different settings, with two different age groups, and two different cooperating teachers.

Pre-Practicum Courses

Prior to enrolling in Practicum Experiences with Young Children, students must take six credit hours including:

  • Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators
  • and either (a) Child Development―Birth to 3 (Infant/Toddler) or (b) Child Development―3 to 8 (Early Childhood). The Child Development course not previously taken must be taken concurrently with Practicum.

Development from conception to age three. Covers major theories and research about development including growth patterns; influences of disabilities; risk and resilience factors; environmental factors and attachment styles; language acquisition; brain development; cognitive; social-emotional, and physical development.
Development from ages three through eight. Covers major theories and research about development including growth patterns; influences of disabilities; risk and resilience factors; environmental factors and attachment styles; language acquisition; brain development; cognitive; social-emotional, and physical development.
Role of a professional as a teacher, administrator, or advocate in early childhood programming. Topics include professionalism and ethics in relation to working with children, families, and professional colleagues.

Practicum Experiences with Young Children

Prior to enrolling in Practicum Experiences with Young Children, students must take six credit hours including:

  • Introduction to Early Care and Education in a Mobile Society (Professional Development)
  • and either (a) Child Development―Birth to 3 (Infant/Toddler) or (b) Child Development―4 to 8 (Early Childhood). The Child Development course not previously taken must be taken concurrently with Practicum.

Guided learning experience in a professional setting that provides services to young children and families. Learning experiences and projects provide opportunities to use and implement theories and practices learned in other courses. By completing this practicum in an approved early childhood setting, students will meet one of the age groups/program type requirements. NOTE: Prior to enrolling in Practicum Experiences with Young Children students must take six credit hours including Introduction to Early Care and Education in a Mobile Society (Professional Development) and either (a) Child Development - Birth to 3 (Infant/Toddler) or (b) Child Development - 4 to 8 (Early Childhood). The Child Development course not previously taken must be taken concurrently with Practicum.

Core Courses

These required courses may be completed anytime during the program.

Study of leadership and management skills for administering community-based early childhood programs for children and their families. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the program planning cycle and administrative practices required to launch and maintain successful programs that meet community and family needs.
Select, evaluate, and use appropriate assessment tools for children birth to age 8. Use assessment data to inform decisions about teaching environments, practice, and intervention. Knowledge of ethical considerations, reliability and validity, multicultural sensitivity, in partnership with families and professional colleagues.
Use of developmentally appropriate practice to guide prosocial development, self-regulation, and task engagement of children birth through age 8. Focus is on promoting prosocial behaviors through supportive relationships, classroom management, and carefully planned environments within diverse early learning settings.
Learn and use assessment and documentation to inform curriculum and evaluate developmentally appropriate activities. Learn about effective ways to share curriculum information with families in all developmental domains. Students intentionally plan for diversity in family composition, culture, and individual abilities.
Learn and use assessment and documentation to inform curriculum and evaluate developmentally appropriate activities. Learn about effective ways to share curriculum information with families in all developmental domains and content areas. Students intentionally plan for diversity in family composition, culture, and individual abilities.
Understand diversity in the lives of children and families, develop and engage in effective culturally responsive teaching beliefs and practices. Anti-bias education, with intentional teaching practices focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging provides equitable opportunities and experiences for young children and their families. Issues critical to understanding teaching and learning in today’s diverse society will be explored.
Examine culturally relevant elements for planning, promoting, and maintaining healthy and safe environments for young children birth through age 8 and the adults who care for them. Understand childhood illnesses, healthy lifestyles, first aid, and self-care practices. Maintain safe relationships with others and identify and report abuse and neglect. Additional content includes nutrition, food preparation, food safety, food allergies and intolerances, and appropriate feeding practices.
Learn how screen time and digital technology impacts young children in educational, home, and community environments, and how technology can be used to enhance teaching and learning. Students will be critical thinkers and informed consumers of technology related to developmentally appropriate uses with young children, program administration, and communication with families.
Knowledge of disability conditions, assessment and identification, interventions in inclusive environments, and collaborations among family members and service providers.
Study and apply family system theories to understand variation in parental roles, professional roles, perspectives, relationships, approaches, and challenges in working with diverse families with young children. Develop family-professional partnerships and community connections.

Senior Capstone Experience

This course must be completed after the successful completion of all other ECEMS courses. Prior to enrolling in the Senior Capstone, students must have Senior Standing and instructor permission to enroll. Check with your faculty advisor for more information.

Focus on integrating, extending, critiquing, and applying knowledge within the early childhood profession through a combination of coursework and hands-on experience. Students will complete field experience or an action research project in their own early childhood setting.
  • Cost per Credit Hour

    2024-2025: $440
    2025-2026: $448
    Learn more

  • Average Time to Complete:

    24 months

  • Bachelors Degree - Early Care & Education: 48 Hours

Bachelors Degree - Early Care & Education

48 Hours
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