Pickworth, Carrie L.

Contact Information:
- Email: clpickwo@ncsu.edu
- Office: 919-513-0262
Home University:
- North Carolina State University
- Polk Hall, Campus Box 7621
120 Broughton Drive
Raleigh, NC 27695
Program Involvement
- Animal Science Graduate Certificate - Instructor
Carrie Pickworth is an assistant professor at North Carolina State University. She received her bachelor's degree at The Ohio State University in animal science with a minor in agricultural education. Her master's degree is in animal and poultry sciences from Virginia Tech. Pickworth completed her doctorate in animal science with an emphasis in ruminant nutrition from OSU. She served on the faculty at OSU until she joined the Department of Animal Science at NCSU. She teaches a variety of classes from animal nutrition, beef cattle management, sheep management, animal welfare, and applied ruminant nutrition.
In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Pickworth serves as an academic advisor, program coordinator for a Livestock Science Camp summer program, and leads several committees on campus. She is an active member of the Southern Section of ASAS and NACTA. Her research program focus at NCSU has been on weaning strategies of beef cattle, fescue toxicosis, and sheep nutritional management.
Ph.D. in Animal Science-Ruminant Nutrition, The Ohio State University, 2009
M.S. in Animal Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2005
B.S. in Animal Science with minor in Agriculture Education, The Ohio State University, 2003