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Donald Johnson

Johnson, Donald

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Donald M. Johnson earned a Ph.D. from the University of Missouri in 1989 and served four years as an assistant professor of agricultural education and agricultural engineering at Mississippi State University. In 1993, he joined the University of Arkansas as a tenured associate professor of agricultural education, communications, and technology, was promoted to full professor in 1999, and to the rank of University Professor in 2021.

He is the author or co-author of two textbooks and 111 refereed journal articles with a primary focus on applied technology and college teaching. Johnson has received over $2.95 million in external support for research and teaching activities and has received 14 teaching awards and over 30 outstanding journal articles, presentations, and poster awards. The American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE) named Johnson a Senior Fellow in 2013 and awarded him the Distinguished Researcher Award in 2014 and the Outstanding Teacher Award in 2023. Johnson served as chair of the AAAE Academy of Fellows from 2018 - 2020.

Johnson has served in numerous faculty leadership positions at the University of Arkansas, including vice-chair and chair of the University Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure; chair of the College Promotion and Tenure Committee; chair of the College Faculty Council; Faculty Senate Executive Committee; University Reaccreditation Team Leader; co-chair of the University Remote Teaching Task Force; chair of the University Future of Remote/Hybrid Teaching Task Force; vice-president and president of the University of Arkansas Teaching Academy (2012-2016); and co-director of the campus-wide Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center (2018-2022). In 2019, Dr. Johnson received the College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences’ highest award, the Spitze Land Grant University Award for Faculty Excellence, in recognition of comprehensive contributions in teaching, research, and service.


Ph.D. in Agricultural Education, University of Missouri, 1989
M.A.E. in Agricultural Education, Western Kentucky University, 1986
B.S. in Agriculture, Western Kentucky University, 1981