Droke, Elizabeth

Contact Information:
- Email: Elizabeth.Droke@sdstate.edu
- Office: 605-688-5150
Home University:
Program Involvement
- Nutrition & Dietetics Master's Degree - Instructor
Elizabeth Droke, associate professor at South Dakota State University, teaches both undergraduate and graduate nutrition classes. She is and has been involved in numerous departmental, college and university committees.
Her research focus is on dietary and environmental factors influencing inflammation and mental health. Her current research is assessing the influence of omega-3 fatty acids on depression as well as anxiety and awareness and knowledge of omega-3 fatty acids in various populations. Her earlier research focused on soy isoflavones, inflammation, and bone health.
Ph.D. in Nutrition with minor in Physiology, North Carolina State University, 1991
M.S. Animal Science, The Ohio State University, 1988
B.S. (Honors) in Animal Science, University of Illinois, 1985