Hektner, Joel

Contact Information:
- Email: joel.hektner@ndsu.edu
- Office: 701-231-8269
- Fax: 701-231-7174
Home University:
- North Dakota State University
- Dept. 2615
PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108
Programs Involvement
- Family Financial Planning Graduate Programs - Department Chair
- Gerontology Graduate Programs - Department Chair
- Youth Development Graduate Programs - Department Chair & Instructor
Joel Hektner is professor and head of the Department of Human Development and Family Science at North Dakota State University. Before coming to NDSU, he served as a research scientist in child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Minnesota. His research interests include interventions and training programs that promote well-being and prevent problems in youth and families as well as family and school conditions that facilitate optimal experiences (flow) and optimal development. He is the primary co-author of a 2007 book on the experience sampling method.
In 2014, Hektner was recognized for his Exceptional Contributions to Faculty and Student Mentoring by College of Human Development and Education at NDSU.
Ph.D. in Psychology: Human Development, University of Chicago, 1996
A.B. in Psychology, Princeton University, 1990