Wolff, Kenya

Contact Information:
- Email: kewolff@olemiss.edu
Home University:
- University of Mississippi
- 325 Guyton Hall
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677-1848
Program Involvement
- Early Childhood & Family Policy Graduate Certificate - Instructor
Kenya Wolff is an associate professor of early childhood education, early childhood education undergraduate program coordinator, and co-director of The Graduate Center for the Study of Early Learning. She holds a bachelor's degree in Secondary Education from Chaminade University (Honolulu), a master's degree in Early Childhood Education from Texas Woman's University, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of North Texas.
Wolff teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in early childhood education. Wolff's experience as a classroom teacher and administrator allows her to bring real-world knowledge to the students she teaches at Ole Miss. These experiences range from working as a toddler teacher incorporating child care, to public school math and social studies teacher, to assistant director of a United Way program for bilingual children, to director of a private preschool/kindergarten.
Beyond her work in the classroom, she has served as a board member for the Texas and Florida Association for the Education of Young Children, working at the state level on policy issues that impact the lives of young children and their families. Wolff's research focuses on social-emotional learning in early childhood education. In addition to research, Wolff currently holds a position on the editorial board for the Southern Early Childhood Association Journal, Dimensions, and serves as an associate editor for the journal, International Critical Childhood Studies.
Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Early Childhood Studies, University of North Texas, 2016