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Lakshmi Mahadevan

Mahadevan, Lakshmi

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Lakshmi Mahadevan has a doctorate in educational psychology with an emphasis in career development education from Texas A&M University. Her areas of expertise include career assessment, post-secondary options for individuals with special needs, special education, and multicultural career counseling.

She is an assistant professor and Extension specialist concerned about special populations. She has over 10 years of experience conducting face-to-face and online professional development with educators in Texas addressing various special population-related issues: particularly issues of students with disabilities and English language learners. Her other activities include program evaluation, conducting workshops and presentations, preparing newsletters, creating webcasts and special interest web materials, maintaining and supervising the design of online modules, maintaining websites, liaising with stakeholders and experts, preparing evaluation reports, and providing technical assistance.


Ph.D. in Career Development Education, Texas A&M University, 2002
M.A., in Special Education, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, India, 1996
B.A. in Psychology, Sophia College for Women, Mumbai, India,1994