Park, Travis

Contact Information:
- Email:
- Office: 919-802-2219
Home University:
- North Carolina State University
- 1 Lampe Drive, Campus Box 7607
218 Ricks Hall
Raleigh, NC
Program Involvement
- Agricultural Education Master's Degree - Instructor
Travis Park has served agricultural education at North Carolina State University since 2013. He is a full professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs for Agricultural and Human Sciences. Travis serves on numerous college, university, state, and national committees. He advises both undergraduate and graduate students.
Park was born and raised on a crop and livestock farm in Indiana. He understands that working in agriculture is “pleasant as well as challenging.” Growing up in Trafalgar, Indiana, Park was active in 4-H and FFA throughout high school and served as the 1992-93 National FFA President. Park earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Purdue University in agricultural education. While in college, he was active with FarmHouse International Fraternity, Ag Council, Ag Ambassadors, and Mortar Board. Upon graduation, he was named the 1996 G. A. Ross Award winner, which recognizes the outstanding male student in the graduating class.
After graduating from Purdue, Park taught agriculture at Tri-County High School in Wolcott, Indiana, for 5.5 years. He married Lacy, and the couple moved to Gainesville, Florida, to enroll at the University of Florida where Travis earned his Ph.D. in 2005.
The Parks moved to Ithaca, New York, where he served as an associate professor in the department of education in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. For eight years, he helped prepare outstanding teachers of agriculture for New York and the northeast. In 2011, Park was tenured and promoted to associate professor and director of teacher education.
Park and his wife Lacy have beautiful daughters. He enjoys reading, smoking meat, backpacking, gardening, and spending time with his family.
Ph.D. in Agricultural Education, University of Florida, 2005
M.S. in Agricultural Education, Purdue University, 2002
B.S. in Agricultural Education, Purdue University, 1996