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Processes & Forms

Administrative activities such as orientation, enrollment, Title IX training, program of study, and other similar tasks are to be completed at your home university. Partner universities will accept the completion of these tasks at your home university. Your campus coordinator will help you get started.

Student Acknowledgment Form

Students enrolled in IDEA courses are required to sign and submit a Student Acknowledgment Form (PDF) to be kept on file at the home university throughout your program. This form allows the exchange of information between the partnering universities. All information is shared through a secure, web-based database. Your campus coordinator will send you the Student Acknowledgment Form. Signed forms should be submitted to your campus coordinator.  

Title IX Mandatory Training for Students

Students may be required to complete the Title IX training provided by their home university. Consult with your campus coordinator for instructions regarding this training.

Program of Study (Graduate Students Only)

Graduate students file a program/plan of study according to the policies and procedures of their home university graduate school. Academic advisors and/or campus coordinators can provide additional information about your home university requirements.

Graduation/Degree Completion

Review the IDEA graduation checklist. At least one year before your anticipated graduation, you should contact your academic advisor and your campus coordinator. These individuals will provide university-specific information for degree completion requirements. Universities may require additional exams/projects for completion of your degree.

Graduate School Policies

You are expected to adhere to the policies of the graduate school at your home university. It is your responsibility to become familiar with these policies.


IDEA is committed to the continual program and student experience improvement. In order to gain a better understanding of the views and experiences of students and to provide feedback to program faculty. You will receive the following surveys via email:

  • New Student Survey (distributed early in your first semester)
  • First Term Check-in Survey (distributed after the mid-point of your first semester)
  • Course Withdrawal Survey (distributed if you drop a course)
  • Program Experience Survey (distributed during your final semester)