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Home University – the university where you applied and were admitted. You will enroll in classes, pay tuition, and receive your degree or certificate from your home university. 

Teaching University – the university where the faculty member teaching a course is located.

Campus Coordinator – the person available to assist you through IDEA processes. Your campus coordinator is your link to distance education resources and information at your university.  View a list of all campus coordinators.

Listen as Lead Campus Coordinator Ashley Schultz explains the role of the campus coordinator. 

Academic Advisor/Major Professor – the faculty member/staff person at your home university assigned to assist you in academic decisions such as course selection and sequence.

Supervisory Committee (graduate students only) – the group of faculty designated to guide the completion of your program of study and culminating experience.

Department Chair – the administrator responsible for the management of your IDEA program at your home university. View a list of department chairs for human sciences programs.

Common Price – IDEA courses are offered at a common price per credit hour referred to within the alliance as "the common price." The common price is reviewed annually by the IDEA Financial Officers Team and approved by the Cabinet. Learn more about the common price

Learning Management System (LMS) – you will access your courses through the LMS at the teaching university. This system is where you access all course materials, participate in discussions, and submit your assignments and exams. Learn more about how to navigate an LMS.