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Life and Health

Students have many life responsibilities, including school, work, family, and fun. Although it is possible to balance all your responsibilities on your own, you may benefit from tips, tricks, and techniques that work for others.

Time Management

You must manage time to be successful in an online course. To be an effective time manager try these techniques: understand what is expected from each instructor and course, track due dates, create your own deadlines, prioritize your coursework, learn to say “no” to distractions, avoid procrastination, and ask for help when needed. Read these 10 time management tricks for online learners.

Stress Management

Some stress while pursuing your online degree is likely. Understanding common types of stress and identifying them can help you to manage your stress. Stress is commonly caused by worry about the number of things you need to do, concern for the future, distress about circumstances you have no control over, and unease about interacting with a person or group. See the mind tools stress management link below for how to deal with each one.

Mental Health

Students often face pressure stemming from their multiple responsibilities. Maintaining good mental health is important. There are numerous resources to help and we've provided just a few below.

Work/Life Balance

Balancing all of life’s responsibilities is challenging, yet possible. Find ways to relieve stress, set realistic expectations for yourself, understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and use your support system to achieve balance. 

Try these workplace workouts:

Exercise at Your Desk Chair Yoga