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Planning for Graduation

Congratulations!  You've worked hard to get to this place in your academic journey and it is exciting to plan for your graduation. Use these checklists to make sure you complete all of the necessary steps.


Graduation for a Graduate Student

One Year Before You Plan To Graduate

Confirm your plan of study: Contact your academic advisor or major professor to confirm your plan of study and ask about your culminating experience. Your plan (or program) of study is your contract with your home university graduate school, your committee of faculty members, and you. It outlines your path to graduation. It shows the courses you will take and when you will take them. Ask your academic advisor how to submit your plan of study. Before you graduate, your plan of study must be up-to-date with your home university graduate school.
Confirm your culminating experience: The culminating experience pulls together all you learn in your program and each university has specific, and often different, requirements. It might be a final exam, a master’s report, a thesis, or a project. Your academic advisor or major professor oversees your culminating experience and provides you with the details.
Share your plan: Notify your campus coordinator which semester you plan to graduate to ensure you complete all steps to graduation.
Get the checklist: Contact your graduate school to get your home university’s checklist for graduating students.

Six months before you plan to graduate

Confirm your culminating experience: Check in with your academic advisor about your culminating experience. Ask about submitting paperwork and due dates.
Explore Career Services: Research options at your home university’s career services. Find help with things like resume reviews, interview tips, and job search resources.
Apply for graduation: Ask when you need to apply for graduation through your home university graduate school.

Three Months Before You Plan To Graduate

Decide how to celebrate: If you plan to participate in on-campus commencement, purchase or rent your graduation regalia (cap and gown) and ask about on-campus graduation receptions. If you can’t make it to campus, some universities offer live streaming or virtual commencement.
Provide feedback: Complete the IDEA program experience survey. The survey will be emailed to you during your final semester. Your feedback helps us improve our programs and the experiences of students.
Update your information: Update your contact information with your campus coordinator.
Join IDEA on LinkedIn: We like to stay in touch with our alumni. We hope you’ll join us in the IDEA LinkedIn group. Many of our programs have LinkedIn groups as well. Stay connected with faculty, fellow students, and alumni through this professional networking site.
Graduation for an Undergraduate Student

One Year Before You Plan To Graduate

Get the checklist: Contact your academic advisor to verify you’re on track to meet all program requirements for your home university and obtain the checklist for graduating students.

Transfer courses (if necessary): If you’re transferring coursework from another university, be sure your official transcripts arrive in your home university’s registrar’s office for evaluation.

Share your plan: Notify your campus coordinator which semester you plan to graduate to ensure you complete all steps to graduation.

Six Months Before You Plan To Graduate

Apply to graduate: Check in with your academic advisor to ask when you need to apply for graduation through your home university.

Explore Career Services: Research options at your home university’s career services. Find help with things like resume reviews, interview tips, and job search resources.

Consider graduate school: If you’re considering graduate school, begin your research now. IDEA has several programs to choose from!

Three Months Before You Plan To Graduate

Decide how to celebrate: If you plan to participate in on-campus commencement, purchase or rent your graduation regalia (cap and gown) and ask about on-campus graduation receptions. If you can’t make it to campus, some universities offer live streaming or virtual commencement.

Provide feedback: Complete the IDEA program experience survey. The survey will be emailed to you during your final semester. Your feedback helps us improve our programs and the experiences of students.

Update your information: Update your contact information with your campus coordinator.

Join IDEA on LinkedIn: We like to stay in touch with our alumni. We hope you’ll join us in the IDEA LinkedIn group. Stay connected with faculty, fellow students, and alumni through this professional networking site.