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Video Series: Community Capitals Framework

CCF Defined

The Community Capitals Framework (CCF) provides a comprehensive way to categorize a community’s assets and explore the relationships among them.  It has both descriptive and practical value for a community and serves as an explanatory and predictive theory for community development scholars. The CCF includes seven capitals: social, political, human, built, cultural, natural, and financial. 

The Researchers

Central to the core of the community development curriculum in IDEA is a course on the Principles and Strategies of Community Change, a class taught in rotation by North Dakota State University and Kansas State University.  Dr. Gary Goreham of NDSU and Dr. Huston Gibson of KSU, in collaboration with Taylor Syvertson and Kassi Sprecher, created this video series to document the seven community capitals in Barnesville, MN, and Wamego, KS. Each video is approximately 10 minutes in length.

The Video Series

The primary aim of these films is for educational purposes. In addition to the use in the Principles and Strategies of Community Change course, there is an opportunity to share these videos widely for community development education discourse. All videos are publicly available on open YouTube channels, hosted by the affiliated universities and IDEA.


Built Capital

Cultural Capital

Financial Capital

Human Capital

Natural Capital

Political Capital

Social Capital